Covid 19 Impfungen

Wir verwenden den Impfstoff „Cominarty“ der Firma Biontech/Pfizer. 

Einen Impftermin können Sie unter folgendem Link vereinbaren:



Please bring your vaccination pass,as well as Information Sheet, und den Anamnesebogen/Einwilligungsbogen ausgefüllt mit.

Biontech and Moderna::


For appointment inquiries, appointment cancellations or postponements, as well as requests and general inquiries regarding the Corona vaccination, please contact us exclusively via e-mail

so that the availability of our practice by telephone can be guaranteed for acute cases.

For the vaccination appointments extra vaccine will be ordered for you, so we would like to ask you to keep the appointments, or to cancel early, so that no vaccine remains!!!


We urgently need the following information for vaccination requests

Only if requests have been filled in completely they can be processed in order.

Thank you for your understanding!

Please note daily updated vaccination offers, which are activated on our Doctolib online calendar (button below), as well as notices on our homepage.
